2024 African Small Publishers Catalogue

The African Small Publishers Catalogue is a comprehensive reference book that showcases independent publishers across Africa, celebrating their contributions while making their work more visible and accessible. Tool for librarians, scholars, publishers, booksellers and others.

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October 2024







2024 African Small Publishers Catalogue

The sixth edition of the African Small Publishers Catalogue showcases small and independent African publishers. More than 60 publishers from across Africa are listed, including countries such as Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Senegal, Nigeria, Togo, Mauritius, Mozambique, Morocco, Uganda, Rwanda, Nigeria, Tunisia, South Africa, and Namibia. Countries beyond Africa that list their work in African publishing include Canada, Germany, the UK, the US, Switzerland, and France.

The catalogue also contains articles that offer insights into the challenges and experiences of small publishers in Africa. It serves as a valuable resource for publishers, writers, librarians, booksellers, scholars, and those involved in promoting reading, literacy and African Publishing.

In addition, others who work in the book trade have a place too, for example, editors, proofreaders, audiobook platforms, specialist libraries, booksellers, and printers.

This edition contains articles as follows

  • “Of graphite heroes and chest clothing: the perils of self-publishing” by Charlene Smith
  • “Self-publishing a real choice for writers” by Jessie Cooper
  • “Imprint Africa: conversations with African women publishers” by Joel Cabrita
  • “Five writers and publishers discuss the continent’s boundless literary landscape” excerpt from LitHub interview/roundtable in 2022 led by Ed Nawotka
  • “Tough times for publishing in Africa: honouring the legacy of three important presses” by Colleen Higgs
  • “More about New Contrast”
  • “#ReadingAfrica” by Jessica Powers
  • “The Island Prize” by Karen Jennings
  • “The Aerial Publishing Story” by Cassandra Scheepers


Colleen Higgs
Colleen Higgs is a writer, writing teacher, and publisher. Her published works include two poetry collections, a short story collection, and a critically acclaimed memoir my mother, my madness (2020). In 2007, she founded Modjaji Books, an independent feminist press and has published over 200 titles by southern African women writers. She has also compiled and edited five editions of the African Small Publishers Catalogue. She is currently the coordinator of the English network of the International Alliance of Independent Publishers.
Colleen Higgs's author page

“Since its inception, the African Small Publishers’Catalogue has given space and visibility to the small independents of our books industry and community, including articles and advice for writers, and wisdom of experience-sharing in terms of difficulties and challenges overcome.” – Africa in Words

“This Small Publishers Catalogue is a way of uncovering and bringing this important work to light. The Catalogue offers some insight into the extent of small publishing. It is useful as a resource for new small publishers or those who want to venture into self-publishing, it offers an idea of who is doing what and how they are doing it.” – Dennis Abrams, Publishing Perspectives