Team Trinity
Fiona Snyckers
South Africa’s favourite heroine is back!
“I told you to stay away from him, but you never listen, do you, Trinity?”
Team Trinity
Life at boarding school is not all diets, dresses and dances, as Trinity Luhabe discovers when her parents move overseas for a term.
She has hardly settled into Sisulu House when she finds herself caught up in the most unexpected love triangle of her life. Zach is the school sports hero, while James is different to anyone she’s ever met. One of them wants to control her … the other holds the key to an old secret that has been buried for a very long time.
Will Trinity figure out who to trust before it’s too late?
Fiona Snyckers lives in Johannesburg with her husband, three children and four cats. She has published two previous books, Trinity Rising and Trinity On Air, as well as numerous short stories.

“Wonderfully well-written, this book is set to rise to the top of the sales lists.”
“Get yourself a blanket, some hot chocolate and a sunny spot to curl up in, and immerse yourself in Trinity’s world.”
“Fiona Snyckers’s style is easy and very readable. She creates a clever storyline, which catches you out in the end and makes you wish you had realised the twist was coming before she gives it away. Her character, Trinity Luhabe, a teenage girl, is witty, brave and very entertaining.”