Pride of Noonlay by Shanice Ndlovu R240 R120
Do Not Go Gentle by Futhi Ntshingila R200 R120
Bom Boy by Yewande Omotoso R240 R140
The Girl Who Chased Otters by Sally Partridge R240 R140
Team Trinity by Fiona Snyckers R200 R100
Trinity on Track by Fiona Snyckers R200 R100
My First Time edited and compiled by Jen Thorpe R220 R100
A to Z of Amazing South African Women by Ambre Nicolson and Jaxon Hsu R300 R150
You can either choose the books you want to donate or simply make a donation and we’ll choose which books get sent.
You can either EFT using our gift voucher link or pay using our Yoco facility
When we deliver the books to Siyafunda, we will include a card with the names of all of you who have generously donated to this project.
If you have any questions you can email me at