Reclaiming the L-Word
Sappho’s Daughters Out in Africa
Dr Alleyn Diesel
A collection of biographical writings by South African lesbian women. The women’s stories eloquently deal with the depth and complexity of lesbian experiences, and serve to contradict stereotyping.
Reclaiming the L-Word
The writers come from all walks of life, race groups and religious persuasions. The book includes a photo essay by well-known artist and activist, Zanele Muholi, and her article on lesbian rape in South Africa, originally published by Agenda.
“This brave and moving collection of stories by South African lesbian women from different backgrounds reminds us, again, that rights are never finally won in legislatures or in court rooms. They are won by people exercising them. The authors of the stories and poems in this book have done just that. They have stood up to celebrate the dignity of lesbian women in South Africa. Each contribution is different. And each intensely personal. And each one reminds us of the urgent need for us to stop hate crime and to create a safe society for all LGBT South Africans. ” Kate O’Regan, former Justice of the Constitutional Court of South Africa.
Dr Alleyn Diesel taught for 35 years, the final twelve at the University of Natal, in the Department of Religious Studies, with a particular interest in Hinduism in KwaZulu-Natal, particularly the place of Tamil women and their veneration of divinity in female form. This was her major research area, and the subject of her doctoral thesis (PhD).
After her time at the university expired, she continued with her reading and research on Hinduism, giving numerous talks on the topic. She also writes regular articles for the local newspaper, The Witness, on the place for religion in human experience and its influence for good and ill on the world today.
Heidi van Rooyen, Zanele Muholi, Yulinda Noortman, Janet Shapiro, Marco P. Ndlovu, Ashika Maharaj, Liesl Theron, Keba Sebetoane, Addie Linley, Rani Soni, Alleyn Diesel, Mmapaseka “Steve” Letsike, Shifra Jacobson, “Ponie” Nozipho Ngcobo, Althea Laine, Mavourneen Finlayson.

“The more one reads this collection, the more one becomes aware that these stories are not about getting the right to walk around proclaiming “what I am”; for many of these people being lesbian is just another facet of their personality, much like I do not define myself as primarily heterosexual. What this collection is ultimately about is the right to love – the right to love whomever we choose.”
– Janka Steenkamp, LitNet
“This brave and moving collection of stories by South African lesbian women from different backgrounds reminds us, again, that rights are never finally won in legislatures or in court rooms. They are won by people exercising them. The authors of the stories and poems in this book have done just that. They have stood up to celebrate the dignity of lesbian women in South Africa. Each contribution is different. And each intensely personal. And each one reminds us of the urgent need for us to stop hate crime and to create a safe society for all LGBT South Africans.”
Kate O’Regan, former Justice of the Constitutional Court of South Africa.